Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bush orders strike on the Supreme Court

After hearing news of the Supreme Court voted 5 to 3 that Bush's actions in Guantanamo was illegal.

Bush is was stated that "It is clear that the Supreme Court has been taken over by in-surge-gents and is sending in the US army to liberate the people of the Supreme Court"

When asked if he is seriesly considering the Supreme Court to be a terrorist orginaztion he said

"Your either for America or against. Your either for stopping the terrorist or for helping them. Heh, it's clear that the Supreme Court is enemy combatants, that hate are freedoms and the American way of life and will face the full might of the american military"

yadaa yadaa yadaa 9/11 yadaa yadaa blah blah.

"The terrorist will not win and prevent the american way of life...the American people right to turn a blind eye to all the laws break by us and the right to remember 9/11"


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