Wednesday, July 12, 2006

THE GOOD THINGS that came out of BET UNCUT...or please pass me a kleenex

Although the show had it’s down faults (ok it is a down fault) most people over look all the good this show did or could have done. What you can think of any don’t worry I’ll go through them for you.

The time slot this show was in was perfect for guys just getting back from the club and weren’t able to pick anyone up and couldn’t afford free pr0n on the internet. It was also great for college students trying to procrastinate writing papers with.

And for the few kids/teens that actually stayed up to watch this…er…we it’s better then them watching those skinemax flicks.

For many rappers this was one of the ways they had of getting national air time. Now many would think wait a minute BET shows nothing but music videos couldn’t these guys made something more decent and got it played during the day when more people would watch them. But the truth is BET has a policy of not breaking in new artist (such as the Beatnuts and Big Brother), unless they are with a major label and/or part of some rapper’s clique. So in hopes to make it big rappers are force to surround them selves with half naked women shaking there butts in the poor artist’s face. Can you feel there pain?

The sad thing is that most of these rappers weren’t that good so no one really bought any of there songs. But with out who would have heard Afro man’s because I got high or chingy or um…er…uh…eh never mind.

Ok…something go this show did was that become a stepping stone for strippers to at the very less became big name strippers or internet models. You may say…er strippers aren’t a good thing…it degrading to women. But at least they can now get paid better or move on to something. Even if the something else is modeling in skimpy clothing online but hey that better then getting groped by some drunk guy in a club.

And the final thing that was good was the technology created because of the show. What you say this show helped move tech? Yep due to BET UNCUT the use of cyborg modification was pushed forward due to Nelly’s tip drill video. The ablity to turn one’s butt-cheeks in to credit card scanner will be a great advancement for the business world. Already income for strippers have raised 10 fold, by not being limited by the amount of ones a customer brought with him and card companies really love the surcharge.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We mourn the passing…of BET UNCUT?

Last week lonely horny men, strippers and talentless rappers were hit with said news in the wee hours of Friday night/ Saturday morning when it was revealed that BET has decided to end their show Bet Uncut.

For those who don’t know BET UNCUT was a late-late night program ran on the Black Entertainment Television network where they took many of the things that people complain about (in terms of the network) and crammed them into one hour.

All I have to say is for a show of such low quality (both in production and moral) it is a beauty, at least it is when the TV is on mute. It was nothing but booties shaking, with a little shimmy action and a rare gun or two of good measure.

Now when the show aired it got lots of complaints from people because of it’s content. Truth be told I have to agree with the root of it, this show is sexiest and degrading to women. It only showed women as flesh…bouncing, jiggling flesh. I know all this but I’m sorry to say that I still couldn’t turn away. You have to understand butt shaking is very hypnotic.

Many people worry about the effects shows like this will have on kids. They may have a point, this not the type of thing I think kids should watch. But come on lets be real BET UNCUT comes on at 3 o’clock in the morning seriously what kid is awake at 3 am. In fact is anyone up that late? In a perfect world BET would have moved all it’s booty gyrating videos during this time period to make sure that impressionable children don’t watch. Because of the time the show was on the dangerous effects this type of show may have had on little girls’ self-esteem and little boys’ treatment of women was passed.

Next: the good things about BET UNCUT?

Monday, July 10, 2006

a crappy sample of art

ok once again here is a picture of a character of an up coming comic strip that will be seen here if I ever get past my procrastination.

yes I know it really crappy...

man am I a talentless hack...maybe I should sphare you all and not do a comic strip. What do you think?

Friday, July 07, 2006

I am Not a Drug Dealer T-shirts

Being a Black man can be hard sometimes. Dealing with stereotypes people have of you just because of the color of your skin can be annoying. Which is why 5y207x has this shirt in both




to let the public know you don't fit into at least on of the stereotypes society wants to pigeon hold you in.

Know you don't have to worry about white teens stopping you in the street or rap concert trying to by weed of you and wearing this shirt reduced police beatings by 15%!

Monday, July 03, 2006

NASA using new rocket fuel

Due to the raising fuel cost even NASA has to look for a way to save money. On it’s next flight into other space NASA has decided not to use tradition gasoline to fuel it rockets but instead use an alternative fuel source.

NASA has designed rockets that will send a shuttle into space by the power of Mentos and Diet Coke.


side note her is a penical drawing for a character for an up coming web comic that you will soon find on 5y207x



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