Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Table Tennis gets sexy

to increase views to its sport the of the International Table Tennis Federation is now going to have it's women players dress sexier.

Claude Bergeret head of the ITTF say

We are tired of not getting the respect of sports like normal Tennis.

Heck even beach Vollyball got more air time during the Olympics then we could ever dream off. Vollyball can you believe it.

so to compete we are going to give the people what they really want and looking at other sports it clear it's sex appeal.

so we are aksing are ladies to show of them curves and get the guys hot and horney.

no more wearing big shirts and men's shorts to make Table Tennis sexy and increase are viewership amoung horny men and teens the ITTF new dress code for Women players will now be thongs, pastess and clear shoes
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